Past Events (Page 5)

Discovering Spiritual Maturity Class

Remember Jesus’ thoughts on the greatest commandment? He said: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” How do we do that? How do we grow in that? Join us six Sunday mornings this fall (Oct. 6th thru Nov. 10th) as we…

Extraordinary Women conference

Click here for more information or to register

Friendships of Faith Study

This is a shared study of Hebrews – one of the books in the New Testament. Today God’s people are challenged and under enabled. My aim in this Bible study is to challenge you-but not to over challenge you without enabling you.

Work Day at Church Building

We will be painting, landscaping, and cleaning thoroughly inside the church building. There may be other needed work as well; we are still compiling the list. Please join us if possible; “many hands make light work.” Lunch will be provided.