Many believe that all religions are alike; just a few good rules to follow; just something to argue about. Is this true? Does it really matter? If so what are some of the differences?
Many in our day are saying: “There is no ultimate truth; only your perspective and my perspective.” Is this true? Can our culture really be right? Or is there more to the story?
This sermon, entitled “I Don’t Think There Is A God – If There Is, I Don’t Think He Likes Me,” was presented on 6/2/18 and supports the existence of God and how much he DOES love us.
God exists! This sermon is the 5th week of the series “Evidence for the Existence of God” and focuses on how God has revealed Himself to us through creation and even our own conscience.
God exists! This sermon is the 4th week of the series “Evidence for the Existence of God” and focuses on how we know that God is who He says He is based on historical evidence, God’s revelation, and science.