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Have you ever wondered what Jesus would pray for? For you? For Himself?
The words “humble” and “king” almost never go together.; yet, everything about Jesus’ life shouts HUMILITY. Could this be why His life so drastically changed the world?
This 3rd sermon in the series Christmas – What the Party is All About was presented on December 31, 2017 and is entitled, “The Hope of the World Lived Among Us.”
This sermon, entitled “The Cross – Our Statue of Liberty,” was delivered on 7/2/17.
This sermon, presented on 5/7/17, is entitled “Walking in Gentleness.”
This sermon, presented on April 30th, 2017, is entitled “Walking in Joy.”
This sermon, presented 4/23/17, is entitled “Walking in Unity.”
This sermon was presented by guest speaker, Don Crain, SBC of Virginia Associate Regional Missionary on 4/9/17.
This sermon, presented on 4/2/2017, is entitled “Rejecting the Ways of Those Who Would Rather ‘Have the World.'”